Today was a very productive craft day in my house but only some of it was good. Some of it was bad. And some of it was downright ugly.
The good is that I was able to figure out how to thread my Janome serger myself after my two year old pulled all the threads out. This machine is new to me and I have only been shown how to thread it once so I felt great about managing to get it back in working order all by myself. Thankfully, the manual is very well written and comes with helpful photographs. I have a Janome 1110DX and I love it!
The bad is that I killed my iron. I was ironing mending patches on some of our old clothing, hoping to extend their life a bit, and I accidentally touched the wrong side of one to the iron. Then, I forgot I had done that and touched the iron to the belt of hubby's shorts. The glue stuck to the woven belt of hubby's shorts and then turned black. So, my iron now has a big black glue spot on it, including inside the vents. This is what comes of trying to work with two sick kids at home. I was distracted. My husband thinks I should clean it and keep it. I think I shall, but only for craft projects like this. I am going shopping tomorrow for a nicer iron for me. Target and Costco, here I come!
Finally, the ugly. Oh, how I wanted this to work. I wanted to make my almost 7 year old these Neat Beat pants from Ottobre Issue 6 from 2009. I thought that the stretch denim I found at Joann Fabric would work great but it was really too thick. It does not fall well. They look terrible. So, they are being tossed and I will find a better use for the denim later. Perhaps a book bag? In the words of a friend of mine, le sigh.

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